Last Updated: January 1, 2025

Troutman Pepper Locke LLP


This U.S. State Privacy Law Notice at Collection (“Notice”) supplements our Global Privacy Notice (collectively, our “Privacy Statements”) and applies to residents of California and other U.S. states that have adopted comprehensive privacy legislation, including without limitation the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018, as amended (the “CCPA”), the Texas Data Privacy and Security Act, and any other  such legislation that may come into effect from time to time (each and any, a “State Privacy Law”). If you live in California, Texas, or another jurisdiction with a State Privacy Law that applies to Troutman Pepper Locke LLP and its wholly owned subsidiaries (collectively, “Troutman Pepper Locke”), the terms of this Notice apply to you. Note that some State Privacy Laws do not apply to all individuals or cover all types of personal information. For example, most State Privacy Laws exclude publicly available information and personal information collected ‎pursuant to certain state and federal laws protecting personal health and financial data.‎

Our Privacy Statements explain how we collect, use, and disclose information that identifies you or could reasonably be used to identify you (referred to in this Notice as “personal information”). As required by certain State Privacy Laws, we also use the table below to help you understand our data practices over the past twelve months. 

Collection, Use, and Disclosure of Personal Information for Business Purposes

Category of Personal InformationSources of CollectionPurpose of Collection and UseThird Parties to Whom Personal Information May Be Disclosed
– Directly from you
– Automatically through online collection technologies
– From third-party sources
– To provide our services and communicate with you
– For our administrative, regulatory and compliance purposes
– To market and advertise our services 
– For other purposes with your consent, as requested by you, or as required or permitted by applicable law
– Service Providers
– Professional Advisors
– Social Networks
– Government Entities, Law Enforcement, and Similar Third-Party Entities
– Third Parties Involved in Potential Business Transactions
Professional and Education Information– Directly from you
– From third-party sources
– To provide our services and communicate with you
– For our administrative, regulatory and compliance purposes
– To market and advertise our services 
– For other purposes with your consent, as requested by you, or as required or permitted by applicable law
– Service Providers
– Professional Advisors
– Social Networks
– Government Entities, Law Enforcement, and Similar Third-Party Entities
– Third Parties Involved in Potential Business Transactions
Contact Information and Preferences– Directly from you
– To provide our services and communicate with you
– To market and advertise our Services 
– For other purposes with your consent, as requested by you, or as required or permitted by applicable law
– Service Providers
– Professional Advisors
– Government Entities, Law Enforcement, and Similar Third-Party Entities
– Third Parties Involved in Potential Business Transactions
Audio and Visual Information– Directly from you
– To provide our Services
– For our administrative, regulatory, and compliance purposes
– To market and advertise our services 
– For other purposes with your consent, as requested by you, or as required or permitted by applicable law
– Service Providers
– Professional Advisors
– Government Entities, Law Enforcement, and Similar Third-Party Entities
– Third Parties Involved in Potential Business Transactions
Commercial Information– Directly from you– To provide our services 
– For our administrative, regulatory, and compliance purposes
– To market and advertise our services 
– For other purposes with your consent, as requested by you, or as required or permitted by applicable law
– Service Providers
– Professional Advisors
– Government Entities, Law Enforcement, and Similar Third-Party Entities
– Third Parties Involved in Potential Business Transactions
Device InformationAutomatically through online collection technologies– To provide our Services 
– For our administrative, regulatory, and compliance purposes
– Service Providers
– Professional Advisors
– Social Networks
– Government Entities, Law Enforcement, and Similar Third-Party Entities
– Third Parties Involved in Potential Business Transactions
Internet or Other Electronic Network ActivityAutomatically through online collection technologies
– To provide our Services
– For our administrative, regulatory, and compliance purposes
– To market and advertise our services 
– Service Providers
– Professional Advisors
– Social Networks
– Government Entities, Law Enforcement, and Similar Third-Party Entities
– Third Parties Involved in Potential Business Transactions
Geolocation InformationAutomatically through online collection technologies
– To provide our Services
– For our administrative, regulatory, and compliance purposes
– Service Providers
– Professional Advisors
– Social Networks
– Government Entities, Law Enforcement, and Similar Third-Party Entities
– Third Parties Involved in Potential Business Transactions
Case or Matter Related DataFrom our clients or third-party sources– To provide our Services 
– For our administrative, regulatory, and compliance purposes
– Service Providers
– Professional Advisors
– Government Entities, Law Enforcement, and Similar Third-Party Entities
– Third Parties Involved in Potential Business Transactions

Sensitive Personal Information

We do not process sensitive personal information to profile or infer characteristics about you or other individuals. 

Social Security Numbers

It is our policy to protect the privacy and confidentiality of personal information, including without limitation, Social Security numbers (or equivalent unique government identification numbers in other jurisdictions) in our ‎possession from misuse and improper disclosure. We protect personal information by implementing and maintaining administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to protect personal information against misuse and improper disclosure. 

Retention of Personal Information

We store the personal information we collect for as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose(s) for which it was collected and for other purposes described in the Global Privacy Notice.

We Do Not “Sell” or “Share” Personal Information 

We do not disclose your personal information for money or engage in activities that could constitute “sales” or “sharing” of personal information under applicable State Privacy Laws.  We do not have actual knowledge that we “sell” or “share” personal information about consumers under 16 years of age either as those terms are commonly understood or as they are defined under certain State Privacy Laws. 

Privacy Rights

If you live in a U.S. state and are an individual with rights granted under an applicable State Privacy Law, you may be eligible to request to exercise the privacy rights outlined in our Global Privacy Notice, subject to applicable exceptions.  To submit a consumer privacy rights request under applicable state law, or to appeal a denial of your request, please review your options below and Contact Us as explained below.

Submitting a Privacy Request

  • Opt-Out of Collection Technologies. Although we do not “sell” or “share” your personal information as the term “sale” is typically understood, if we are deemed to “share” information with online analytics providers to understand how visitors use our Services, we will offer you a choice about whether to accept or opt-out of certain Collection Technologies to the extent that they could constitute “sharing” of personal information under State Privacy Laws. Please note that Collection Technologies are browser and device specific. Any request to opt-out or reject the use of these Collection Technologies will only be linked to a browser identifier and will need to be independently managed across different browsers and devices. If applicable, certain State Privacy Laws may also permit their citizens to exercise their opt-out right by broadcasting an opt-out preference signal, called the Global Privacy Control (“GPC”) (on the browsers and/or browser extensions that support such a signal). Learn more about the GPC here. (Note that we do not listen for or respond to older, Do Not Track technologies that you may still set in certain web browsers.)
  • Access, Correction, and Deletion. To exercise your right to (1) request to know more about and access your personal information, (2) request deletion of your personal information, or (3) request correction of inaccurate personal information, please Contact Us. We may verify your identity by asking you to provide information related to your recent interactions with us, such as your name, email address, or phone number.
  • Nondiscrimination. We will not discriminate or retaliate against you for exercising your privacy rights.
  • Authorized Agents. Depending on your state of residence, you may also designate an authorized agent to submit an access, deletion, or correction request on your behalf. We may ask authorized agents to submit proof of their authority to make a request, such as a valid power of attorney or proof that they have signed permission from the consumer who is the subject of the request. In some cases, we may be required to contact the individual who is the subject of the request to verify his or her own identity or confirm the authorized agent has permission to submit the request.  If you are an authorized agent seeking to make an access, correction, or deletion request on behalf of a consumer, please Contact Us.
  • Appeal.  If we deny your request, you may appeal our decision by Contacting Us. If you have concerns about the result of an appeal, you may contact the attorney general or other authority specified in the State Privacy Laws in the state where you reside. 

Other Privacy Choices

You can also manage the way that we use your personal information by exercising applicable privacy choices and rights as described in our Global Privacy Notice.

Contact Us

We welcome your inquiries and comments. Please note, however, that if you are not a client, we may not be able to treat the information that you send us as confidential or privileged. If you wish to contact us regarding legal representation, please contact an attorney in one of our offices near you. You can find a list of our offices and our attorneys on our website.

If you have questions about our information practices, please contact us using the following methods:

  • Mail: Troutman Pepper Locke LLP, Attention: General Counsel, 600 Peachtree Street, Suite 3000, Atlanta, GA, 30308
  • Telephone: 800.255.8752


We may update our Privacy Statements periodically, noting the date of revision. If we make any material changes in the way we collect, use, and/or disclose personal information, we will endeavor to provide you with notice before such changes take effect, such as by posting a prominent notice on our website.