On February 14, we reported that a number of Delaware corporations, mostly those resulting from deSPAC transactions, have petitioned the Court of Chancery to validate their increases in authorized shares and other corporate actions due to their failure to seek, and in many cases to obtain, the class vote that

A number of Delaware corporations with two or more classes of common stock, especially SPACs (special purpose acquisition companies) that have completed deSPAC transactions, are discovering that they may not have properly approved charter amendments that increased their authorized shares of common stock. In Garfield v. Boxed, Inc. (Del. Ch.

The Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) has recently brought several enforcement actions that directly or indirectly involved lawyers. These actions provide reminders to lawyers of their professional responsibility in representing clients, including in connection with giving legal opinions and responding to auditors. The professional responsibility of lawyers has

Companies often make distributions to their stockholders as dividends and stock buybacks. For private equity-backed companies, it is not unusual to see leveraged recaps in which the company borrows money and makes distributions to the private equity investors. These distributions raise the question for boards of directors of whether the